Saturday, 27 July 2024

Personal Tax

As announced in Budget 2014 and to increase the disposable income of the middle income group, a special one-off personal tax relief of RM2,000 will be given to resident tax payers earning up to...

Every individual is subject to tax on income earned in Malaysia or received in Malaysia from outside Malaysia. Income earned in oversea remitted to Malaysia by a resident individual is exempted from tax. A non-resident...

Personal tax relief is available for those who have stayed in Malaysia for more than 182 days, regardless of the nationality of that individual. All individual who do not have any business income in the year of...

You will be barred from leaving the country if you have yet to settle your income tax or property tax (RPGT) from October 2013 onwards! You may or may not aware that you have outstanding...

The new individual income tax rates effective from year of assessment 2013 is tabulated below and tax rate reduction gives a maximum tax saving up to RM475 for a person with chargeable income of...

If you are receiving travelling or entertainment allowances from your company, you don't need to report it to income tax department (LHDN)! You can claim your expenses to set-off against the employment income received from...

After first round of tax filing deadline by 30 April 2011 for individuals with employment income only and no business income (Form BE 2010), 2nd round of tax filing deadline of 30 June 2011...

The National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN-i ) was designed by the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) for the purpose of higher education. As announced in Budget 2013, it is proposed that personal tax relief...

As it was announced in Budget 2014 & proposed in the latest Budget 2015, individuals income tax rates will be reduced by 1% to 3% with effective from the year of assessment 2015. Technically, families with total...

Customer Service Centre of Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia summarised below the Top 5 most favourite asked questions from  Malaysian taxpayers:- 1. How do I register an Individual income tax reference number? There are 2 methods...
PROMOTION: You can register New Company (Sdn Bhd) for just RM980 only! Call 03-7729 7018 or Click here find out!