The Malaysian Government has officially distributed the first instalment of Cash Vouchers to those successful applicants for BR1M4.0 started from 1 February 2015. Check your BR1M application result now!

Some successful applicants have already received letters from Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) & got their first instalment of Cash Vouchers, but many out there have yet to receive any letter.

Please note that the successful recipients of previous BR1M will automatically receive BR1M, be it now or later, don’t worry.

For those who are new and yet to know the application result, there are 4 ways to know the result or outcome of your BR1M applications.

1.  Letter from LHDN
You will be informed the application result (whether approved or disapproved) in writing by LHDN via normal postage.  The letters will be sent out in stages. Imagine there are more than 7 million applications for BR1M, certain applicants will be expected to receive the letter late.

2. Call LHDN to check result
For those who have not received any letters from LHDN until today, you can call LHDN to check your BR1M application result at the following telephone numbers:

Pertanyaan Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia
(Talian Hotline BR1M : 1800-88-2716)  

Aduan Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia
(Infoline 03-8313 8987 / 03-8313 8988 / 03-8313 8989) 

3. Call MOF to check result

If you are unable to contact LHDN, you may try to call Ministry of Finance (MOF) to check your application status with the following:

Talian Hotline Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia

4. Write email to MOF
If the above numbers are too busy to be connected, the last option is to write to MOF to check your application status:

Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia BR1M2
([email protected])

All the above numbers are open from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

We wish you all the best in your application and for those who have received the cash vouchers, ENJOY!


    • Hello, pls check for my mother Name : LEE GAIK HUAH / IC NO :460531-07-5034, sampai hari belum receipt surat. tq

  1. Hi, Mr.Goh, for my letter approval already received on last week and the dated claim on 25/02/2012 in Kapar SMTIS, but i have outstation currently and will be back tomorrow, what solution for my this matter claim?

  2. hi, i am a successful recipients of BR1M1.0, but i receive an email that told i am not approved for BR1M2.May i know why is this happen? Anything i can do?

    • Hi Jannis, just ignore the email & report to LHDN for this matter. No notification will be issued via email at the moment. You can call LHDN for verification.

      As long you are BR1M1.0 recipient, you will automatically entitled for this BR1M2.0.

  3. saya dah try kol talian hotline tuk nak tahu sama ada saya lulus/ layak terima bR1m2 talian slalu sibuk…

  4. Saya tidak dapat bantuan satu malaysia RM 500.saya dapat tahun lalu tapi tahun ini belum lagi.

  5. Saya dan suami tidak dapat bantuan satu malaysia RM 500.saya tidak dapat tahun lalu tapi tahun ini belum lagi

  6. saya subdah dapat surst tapi tak tahu pergiana bil itu wang?saya surat surat sundah terima s
    ebulan lebih lagi boleh ambil ke?lagi itu hotline selalu pun tak dapat call?

  7. Hi Angelina,

    Thanks for your reply.
    When i try to kemas kini my information for BR1M2 , i got enter my email address in the form. The email is saying that my BR1M 2 is tidak diluluskan kerana :

    d. X Tidak melepasi semakan agensi lain.

    I try to call1-800-222-500 and 1-800-88-2716, the line is busy all the time. So any other number i can call?

  8. My mother is visiting me in KL, but had received the notification to collect her BR1M2.0 by 10th March in Butterworth. She is only due to return home 25th March. Can my sister collect on her behalf or can my mom collect it later?

  9. Mengapa kali pertama saya boleh dapat,[br1m1]
    [br1m2]kali kedua ini tidak layak. [e]x-Nama telah tersenai dalam maklumat isi rumah yang lain. [tetapi isteri saya juga tidak dapat ]

  10. i received the notification to collect BR1M2.0 by 8th march in bukit bintang kl but i stay working in penang until 25 march .Can i collect after 25 march? Where i want to collect ?

  11. Sy nk thu pmohonan rayuan sy sudah dlulus kn ke tak?mohd anizan bin omar.820101-03-5549.tq

  12. hey, it seems that I haven’t received the br1m letter and whenever I check the Br1m online status via online it seems that it’s only batch 1 and 2, so is there any other solution for me to check the status?

    • Hi Connie, you may visit to the nearest LHDN office to check.

      Imagine 7 Million people are trying to call the numbers, it will be like hitting the jackpot if you managed to get the number through.

      Good Luck!

  13. sy nak tahu pemohonan sy lulus ke tdk.
    faelyn es chung nyuk len

  14. kenapa susah sangat nak dapatkan br1m? dari tahun lepas saya isi pun x dapat…..keluarga yang miskin isi pun x dapat juga….

    • Ashley, awak boleh cuba memohon tolong dari BN parties yang berdekatan dengan rumah/kampung awak, they will be very happy to help you, especially masa sekarang.

  15. sampai serakang blm dapat surat,tak tahu dan pergi mana check letak kota tinggi area

  16. saya seorang OKU dulu saya ada dpt brm ni sampai sekarang takda ape2 surat yg saya terima..mcm mana nak buat?dan kepada siapa saya nak rujukan …

  17. saya da mohon br1m dah tp sehingga kini saya masih xdapat bntuan tersebut
    ble cek dalam online menyatakn permohonan telah lulus
    tetapi saya masih belum mendapat kan bayaran tersebut..
    sekira nya permohonan sye telah lulus mohon call no saya 017258xxxx

  18. Is a housewife who is a malaysian but married to a foreigner with no income in Malaysia eligible to apply for BR1M?

  19. saya nak check untuk gf saya punya brim 2.0
    no.ic dia 920206-14-6390..
    klu blh secepat yg mungkin…

  20. Hi Angelina,

    Appreciate if you can reply on my msg. I really curios why i receive a mail my BR1M2 is not not approve , while i am actually a recipient for BR1M 1.0.

    I have indicate all the details above in my previous msg.

    Waiting for your reply.

  21. BR1M tidak terima jawapan lagi BR1M 1.0 DAPAT BR1M 2.0 tidak terima lagi tolong semak T.Q . i/c No: 740324-07-5441

  22. Wish to find out whether my Brim 2.0 application is successful?
    Batuan anda amat dihargai.

    Terima kasih.

  23. Hi Angelina,

    I receive wan is email that saying my BR1M2 is not approve, but i am a succesfull receiver for BR1M1.0. I thought successfull receipent for BR1M1.0 will automatically receive BR1M2.0

    Is there any possiblity tht this would happen?

  24. Tahun lepas saya dapat.saya nak tahu mengapa saya tak dapat surat adakah saya epof br 1M nama saya lee chee wah ic no 690903-10-5315.

  25. tuan/puan saya permohanan bantuan rakyat 1 malaysia(br1m)sudah empat bulan tapi belum menerima surat , aku sudah pergi daerah kulai check 3 kali belum ada result. tuan/puan boleh tolong tak?sebab sudah tamat br1m.

  26. hai.. ang..

    tolong check br1m sy .. mula x lulus dan sy dah buat rahuan sekali
    lg .. my i/c no 860516-38-5467.


  27. i have been trying to call the no., attached to my BR1M2 form. For days, either engaged, or ask u leave msg after beep and /. Aiyoh .. painful lor

  28. tuan/puan boleh tanya sekarang br1m(bantuan rakyat 1 malaysia) sudah tamat belum?kenapa saya permohanan sudah empat bulan tapi belum menerima surat/bauce kawan saya dengan sata sama apply first time RM500 kenapa dia dekat bulan februari sudah ambil bauce boleh tolong saya check tak? terima kasih
    I/C :790612-01-6652
    Nama :wong choi hong

    • tuan/puan sekarang ada br1m lagi tak?kenapa saya hantar br1m form sudah empat bulan lebih tapi satu reply pun tak ada?boleh menolong saya check tak?

      I/C :79xxxx-01-6652
      Nama :Wong Choi Hong
      H/P :016-785xxxx

  29. check br1m2,sya x dapat lagi.tahun sudah sya dapat.I.C.801122025047

  30. Would like to know on the status of my application of Br1M

  31. My BRIM 2.0 for RM250.00 wa approved on 22/1/2013. When will I receive the voucher or cash. Thanks.

  32. adakah permohonan br1m saya diterima atau pun tidak tolong email kan kepada saya
    no ic 880612495402

  33. tolong emelkan kepada saya resulf br1m saya sama ada lulus atau Tidak
    kalau tidak boleh tahu sebab?
    1)Nama : Suba A/P —-
    ic no: 831029015xxx.
    2)Nella A/P —-
    ic no: 551205085xxx.

  34. Pls, can anyone help me? My BR1M was approve quite sometime ago.Due to
    some unforseen matter I have pass the date.When I call the branch stated in my reply, They asked me to wait and took down my h/p no.They said they will call me up at the next dispatchment but I have already waited for two months,still no news at all.Please somebody help
    me. Thank you.

  35. tuan/puan BR1M sudah tamat kenapa saya tidak menerima surat gagal/lulus.
    boleh tolong saya check? saya permohaman bulan DEC 2013
    5/5/2013 undilah lepas??
    nama: wong cxxx hxxx
    i/c : 790612-01-xxxx

  36. Hi Angelina, saya nak tahu sama ada keputusan br1m2.0 saya di luluskan atau tidak. sampai sekarang saya belum lagi menerima surat. saya isi melalui online pada awal bulan mac.untuk pengetahuan Angelina, hari ini 23/4/2013, saya ada terima surat yang di tujukan kepada saya. pada sampul surat tu ada di tulis nombor 094-022624 di bahagian atas sampul kemudian nama saya. tetapi dalam sampul surat tu bukan surat mengenai keputusan br1m2.0 tetapi di dalam tu cuma “PESANAN IKHLAS DARI PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA” yang berkaitan dengan br1m. apakah maksud semua ini….adakah permohonan saya di luluskan ataupun tidak? thank you for your consideration.

  37. br1m 2.0 saya telah membuat rayuan dan saya telah menghubungi lhdn,permohanan saya sudah lulus tetapi sudah hampir sebulan tiada apa-apa tindak balas..751031016767

  38. hi nbc.angelina! boleh tolong e-mail kepada saya result br1m saya sama ada lulus atau x…

    name : Chen Wxx Yxxx
    ic no : 810727-08-xxxx

    thx alot ya!!!

  39. I didnt get my BR1M 1.0 due to LHDN staff wrongly wrote my home address.
    My correct home address as stated in my IC F-15-12 Mentari Court Jln PJS 8/9 Bandar Sunway 46150.I submitted my application form in LHDN office in Damansara building Mustafa Kamal.When I check the address written was K-15-12 mentari court,our last block was block G…pls advise

    Thank you


  41. tuan/puan kenapa sudah 5 bulan saya belum dapat surat br1m 2.0 ?saya sudah comment tiga kali tapi tidak menerima reply?kawan saya semua sudah dapat rm500/rm250 kecuali saya shj..saya sudah cerai tapi saya mahu tanggu anak satu!saya permohanan pertama pun tak dapat.kawan saya ada permohanan pertama dengan kedua pun boleh dapat kenapa??5/5/2013 saya mahu mengundi…tolong check t.q
    nama : wong choi hxxx
    i/c : 79061201xxxx

  42. Tolong semak keputusan saya dalam bantuan rakyat 1malaysia .Ic nombor saya ialah 780531-13-xxxx terima kasih.

  43. i received my br1m letter. stated there they approved it. but they did not say when and where can i get my payment. should i expect to get another letter? because i’ve been calling the hotlines, and i never get any answers. please reply.

  44. hallo,good morning
    tuan puan i nak check apa kita layak/tak dapat bantuan BR1M,husband i isi borang dari bulan novenber 2012,sampai sekarang tak de surat apa2 pun lagi,
    senarai nama:cheah chuan hock
    ic no 791113-07-xxxx,
    ada apa2 jawapan email me tq.

  45. Hi,i missed the date to collect the BR1M,if i want to change the address from JB to Perak,how to do?

  46. Good morning. Pls help me to check how’s the status of my application.
    Name: Sylvester Anak Nyalau, IC 900508-13-5031. Where do i get my voucher. Please email me to this email add as soon as possible. Thank you…

  47. Minta tolong semakkan status application

    Nama: Abdul Rahman Bin Mxxxx
    I/C : 770707-14-5xxx

  48. Good morning sir / madam
    I was a qualified recipient of BR1M1.0, that time I was staying in Ipoh Perak. I have moved to JB since June 2012.
    How do I change address for the BR1M2.0? I have not receive my letter for BR1M2.0
    My full name is Rayney Lee Fxx Wxx
    IC number 800812-12-5xxx
    Please advise

  49. Pls help me check :NAME : PAULLDASS A/L XXXX , IC : 750224-02-5xxx,THX

  50. Please check BRIM 2.0 APPROVED OR NOT APPROVED..
    I summit my rayuan in LHDN on april 2013. IC NUM: 790511-14-xxxx

  51. tolong semak pemberian brim,
    sehinga kini belum dapat menerima.

  52. may i know whether i can get the br1m for year 2014..because i apply before but fail..thank u…

  53. mcm mana sy nk up date status sy…kali pertama ambil,sy belum khawin… sekarang sy dah khawin dan sy ingin update,ttp dia kata kemaskini hanya blh dilakukan di cawangan LHDNM shj…

  54. minta tolong semakkan status application
    name: chia sui f00
    IC : 730712140000

  55. Hihi… how do I check the BR1M result for 2014..??? pls let me know… thanks…!!!

  56. cm na maw taw nama sya tersenarai dlm brim 3.o or ndak?? cm na maw check gna gna email?? da cara ka maw check gna msg jak?? tq

  57. Sampai hari ni saya belum menerima surat pengesahan br1m yang mengatakan saya layak menerima atau tidak. .tapi br1m yang sebelum ni saya dapat. .sekarang di alamat baru. .saya dah update alamat baru saya secara online tp tidak ada apa-apa surat y saya terima berkenaan bantuan ini. .bley saya mendapat pengesahan dan dimana surat itu telah d hantar. .di alamat sebelun ini atau alamat sekarang


  59. nak tumpang tanya…
    tahun lepas ada terima br1m,kalau tahun ini tidak kemaskini,dpt ke x dpt?

  60. tolong cek sama ada nama sy ada dpt br1m tu taw tak TIMOTHY VINCENT IC;830818-12-5911….. plz tolong sy periksa …

  61. Pada yg berkenaan,saya masih lagi belum menerima BR1M ..tolong periksa kemungkinan ada kesalahan kerana surat drpd LHDN W.P LABUAN pun belum saya terima….terima kasih

  62. untuk tahun ini saya belum lagi terima apa-apa berita dari brim???

  63. I have receive last br1m last time, is that means I will receive this year? My friend all already received but I still heaven. .. why? I have up date my account no on line also… please help me check. . Ic 780722-10-5294


  64. Hai angelina,Saya nak tahu samada sy dapat brim atau tidak? tahun tahun yang lepas saya dapat.Tahun ni bagaimana pula? belum dapat surat lagi.Layak atau tidak.

  65. saya zainab binti md noor k/p 691207-07-5014 ingin bertanya kenapa saya belum dapat lagi BR1M

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