Friday, 26 April 2024

BR1M RM1,050 Cash

All news & updates about BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia). Family earning less than RM3,000 will get RM1,050 while individuals will get RM400.
Second-Finance-Minister-Datuk-Seri-Ahmad-Husni-Hanadzlah-Receive Your BR1M Payment Directly in Bank Account-thumb

Eligible recipients of 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M), who have updated their bank account numbers with Inland Revenue Board, are expected to receive their BR1M Payments in February 2015. Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said...

One off cash assistance of RM500 to all households with a monthly income of RM3,000 and below, costing RM1.8 billion to benefit 3.4 million households, announced by Datuk Seri Najib in the Budget speech. Households...
BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia) RM500 Cash

Pembayaran Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) akan bermula pada 15 Januari 2012 dan akan diberikan dalam bentuk baucar tunai. Majlis-majlis penyerahan baucar BR1M kepada pemohon yang berjaya akan diadakan secara berperingkat di seluruh Negara. Tempoh penyerahan...
Budget 2014 BR1M RM650 for Households and RM300 for Singles

The government will distribute higher Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) to households (RM650) and single individuals (RM300). BR1M of RM450 will now be given to those households earning monthly income between RM3,000 and RM4,000. In addition to...

Malaysian Government is progressively releasing the RM500 cash aid to its people since January 2012. However, some applications were rejected due to incorrect, incomplete or insufficient information given or attached with the application submitted. You...

BR1M2.0 Cash Vouchers are being progressively distributed to the successful applicants since February 2013. However, there were some applications rejected due to incorrect, incomplete or insufficient information given when the applications were submitted. You may appeal...
Apply BR1M Today & Get Your RM650

It was announced by Ministry of Finance (MOF) today that BR1M can now be applied from today (23 December 2013) up to 31 January 2014. Those who have received BR1M in previous years can now...

Malaysia Ministry of Finance (MOF) open up a toll-free hotline 1-800-222-500 to answer enquiries and provide clarification in relation to RM500 cash aid for Malaysian earning RM3,000 or less a month. Toll-free hotline : 1-800-222-500 Operation...

The Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) payment will be made an annual affair, with the amount increased to RM1,200 for households and RM600 for singles if the Barisan Nasional (BN) government returns to power in...

People eligible to receive the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) 2.0 will begin getting their money early next year, Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah announced Monday. No definite date had been set yet for...
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