BR1M RM500 cash aid application deadline extended to 10 February


The deadline for the public to submit the application form for the RM500 Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) scheme has been extended to Feb 10, 2012.

Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said the form could be submitted at all Inland Revenue Board (IRB) offices and agencies handling the aid.

The one-month extension came following appeals from those who were unable to submit the form by Tuesday. 

The forms had been distributed since last month to assist households earning below RM3,000 a month.

Ahmad Husni said successful applicants would be given vouchers which they could cash at all Bank Simpanan Nasional, CIMB and Maybank branches.

“The distribution will begin on Sunday and is expected to take two months for completion.

“During the period, successful applicants will receive letters informing them of the dates and venues of the voucher presentations.

“The banks will also provide mobile counters for recipients to cash the vouchers which are valid until April 15,” he said.

Ahmad Husni said besides the letters, applicants could also check their application status by calling the hotline 1-800-222-500 and 1-300-88-3010 beginning Monday.

The hotline will operate between 9am and 5pm on working days.

Unsuccessful applicants can appeal by filling a special form available all IRB offices and the selected agencies.

The form can also be downloaded here or MOF’ website (

As of Tuesday, 3,102,054 applications had been approved from 4,123,713 forms received.

“The rest are being processed,” he said.

Source: TheStar


Application rejected? Download Appeal Form now to appeal. newpromo


  1. Dear Sir ,
    I would like to getting your assistance in getting further information about this BR1M Rm 500 cash aid . I am a pensioner and am currently receiving a pension of RM 248 monthly. My husband is earning a salary which is higher than RM3,000 . As he is paying for our 3 children’s university studies and looking after all our household needs we are usually broke by the mid of the month.We have no home under our name we have been renting a house in KLang for the past 8years . I would like to know if I qualify for this aid . If I don’t it is ok but if I do qualify the RM500 will help into buying my children’s University books. Thanks for your kind information.

  2. Hi Kanthi, sorry to tell that your family are not qualified under this scheme since your husband is earning more than RM3,000 per month.

    Wish you good luck and all the best.

  3. my father pass away n my mother have to manage all household expenses n my sister is handdicape ..can both of them apply this

  4. I am married with 6 children age between 5 months to 17 years old. My wife is full time housewife. I am earning RM2300.00 (basic & fixed allowance) . OT not fixed between 600 to 700 monthly depand on ot works. Am I entitle for RM500.00. thanks.

  5. May i know how to check status of my father rm500 application on 13 Dec 2011 at S.M.K.D.H.K.K.K.B, Hulu Selangor. Thanks.

  6. my mother is living alone and the son who is earning above RM3K but living another state (not living together), is she eligible to apply?

  7. Dear sir, I wish to ask about the BR1M qualification. My mother was a housewife and my father pass away. My brother suffered from cancer and still under go the chemotheraphy. He is not working for more than 1 year and his condition now is not allowing him to work. Me and my mother need to bear for the household and medical expenses. Can my mother and my brother qualified for the RM 500? Thanks.

  8. Dear all friends & guests, sorry for the late reply due to long break 🙂

    @Ahmad Idris, yes, you are entitled for the cash aid, please apply.

    @Eugene & Sukri, so far the status is not online yet, you will receive a letter from MOF confirming on the result of your application sooner.

    @Viking, yes, your mother is entitled.

    @Ms Wong, if they are both staying in the same house, only one is entitled. You may check with MOF at the number stated at the first comment for further information.

    My comment is merely based on what I think so, you may check & clarify by calling the following:

    Talian Hotline : 1-800-222-500 / 1-300-88-3010
    Untuk Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) RM500
    9.00am hingga 5.00pm (Hari Bekerja)
    E-mel: [email protected]

  9. Hi,

    Supposed I could not make come during the presentation of the voucher, I would like to know where can I collect the voucher after that?

    I have been transferred to other state.


  10. Hi, my father had applied at 10 Dec 2011, but still did not receive any letter until now. So, we do not know the status weather was approved or rejected? What should i do? Thanks.

  11. Hi Leo, technically I am not sure on that. You may contact MOF for re-arrangement of collection of voucher.

    Hi Carlson, the approved list was not put up online, as such, you may contact MOF directly for confirmation.

    Here you are the contact info of MOF:

    Talian Hotline : 1-800-222-500 / 1-300-88-3010
    Untuk Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) RM500
    9.00am hingga 5.00pm (Hari Bekerja)
    E-mel: [email protected]

  12. Hi, I’m a single mother have t takecare 4 kids and I already apply it, my friend say my application already approved on 5/1/2012 ( Dun Kelana Jaya)but till now still not yet received the letter, even though I keep calling the 2 hotline from 9am till 5pm, the line can’t get thru. Please were I can check my name at which area at Kelana Jaya.

  13. Hi Sally, tried to look elsewhere ( and but can’t find any online status check

    Also ask friends around, seem like no one know where to check except calling to the hotline.

    Talian Hotline : 1-800-222-500 / 1-300-88-3010

    Please correct me if there is other way or website can check on the status.

    Sorry for can’t help in this matter.

  14. Dear Sir,

    I am ard approved the aid RM500, but the voucher is at my home town, now i work at Johor, so i go back to my home town (Ipoh) to get the RM500.

  15. Thanks for the reply. From the day i submitted, i didnt get any MOF letter to confirm.. How can i know i did approve or not. How can i check? Thx.

  16. Hi….im single and no dependant but my salary is below 1500 with this i have to pay all my bills, car loan, house rent, petrol and also have to use for my household u think this much salary enough for me? Am i eligible to get RM500? Please reply.

  17. forget to tell one more, my parents both are already passaway. I am alone and i am 43yrs old.

  18. What is the last extension date to apply for BR1M RM500. Appreciate your update. Thanks for the assistance.

  19. I am retired and not working any more. Since I am from private sector and do not have pension and will depend on EPF. My wife is teaching. Am I entitled?

  20. I am single girl working and drawing RM2500. My father is retired and mother is working. Am I entitle to this BR1M RM500.

  21. Hi Kuldip, no sure if any further extension of time as it was not announced.

    You are qualified & entitled if your wife’s income is less than RM3,000 per month.

  22. Hi Belvinder, yes, if your mother’s monthly income is less than RM500.

    Since the combined household income must be less than RM3,000, you are earning RM2,500 per month, in order to qualify, your mother must be earning less than RM500. Otherwise, you will not be qualified for the aid.

    Hope this help. 🙂


  24. Any extension of deadline for RM500 aid application? Some say until 15 March. Is that correct?

    Many thanks in advance, Angelina.

    • Hi William, as far as I know, there is no further extension of time for the aid registration.

      The extension of time is for appeal cases where all rejected applications can submit their appeal forms & supporting documents to MOF latest by 15 March 2012 for second review by MOF for their applications.

  25. Hi angelina,

    I have yet to submit the form for my mom cos it’s convenient for me to go over LHDN. Can I still proceed with the submission? and any convenient places?

    • Hi May, I am not sure would there be any extension of date for the aid application. You may contact MOF or LHDN at the numbers found at the first comment of this post.

  26. Hello,
    My mother’s application for BR1M went through successfully. However, apparently, she is unavailable to collect the money at the bank. I was wondering whether anyone could collect it for her? If not when is the deadline for the money to be collected? Many thanks.

  27. My grandma is above 65 age and she has no daughter or son to take care so i just want to ask that do she can get rm500 for monthly…?

  28. My mother’s first time application was unsuccessful due of the Ic num mistake and then we reapply again with re-submitted again the photocopy of Ic. I want to check when is the date to publish and result of successful applicant for second apply rm500?

    Kindly advice.

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