Appeal Form for BR1M (For Rejected Case)


BR1M2.0 Cash Vouchers are being progressively distributed to the successful applicants since February 2013.

However, there were some applications rejected due to incorrect, incomplete or insufficient information given when the applications were submitted.

You may appeal the case with Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) by giving more information and attaching relevant supporting documents or evidence (such as pay slip).

All you need to do is to download the BR1M Appeal Form and fill up the necessary reasons why you should entitle the aids, then submit to the nearest LHDN offices together with the relevant supporting documents.

Download BR1M Appeal Form here: 

Borang Rayuan BR1M2.0 Hot highlights

Source: Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri


  1. saya kalaiyarasi a/p Nagappan bernombor i/c 881116-08-xxxx.belum dapat surat atau cash voucher….please be give information to my husband e-mail or call me 0108292xxx

  2. Saya belum mendapat. Jawapan sama ada. Brim saya diterima sbb saya baru 6bln bergelar ibu tunggal harap dpt kerjasama dari pihak LHDN

  3. I have retired and need to register on BR1M, try to help me register on line.

  4. I yet to register for BR1M, and I have retired, I was born on (30-12-1957).

  5. Saya sudah berhenti kerja, macamana saya nak memohon atau mengisi borang BR1M..harap berikan panduan..

  6. sya bru berpndh dlm thn ni tp thn lpas sy dh dpt br1m…mcm mna sya nk tkar alamat lma kpd alamat sy skrg?

  7. Tak tahu bagaimana nak tukar alamat untuk br1m ke alamat rumah baru.

  8. Brim saya tak masuk lagi la…dalam akaun Ambank dah dekat tujuh hari tak masuk lagi…

  9. Saya masih belum dapat voucher ataupun surat dari br1m itu,
    macam mana nak periksa…

  10. last year i was already reply,and was return back and i’m so sad WHY?it 1 Malaysia when i was recive what happened to me and said i was red i/c oh my god i born in Malaysia and my i/c:540314-10-5540(60Year)is blue, and now i’m no working,see doctor take medical spend much money hope 1Malaysia can you give me hope Thanks….

  11. Kami sudah berpidah ke pahang duit thn lepas adik beradik isteri sya yg ambil sedangkan kami memerlukan duittersebut di pahangtolong pakai nama sya untuk memudahkan pengambilan duit d rompin pahang darul makmur

  12. Dulu duit atas nama isteri d sabah tapi kami sudah berpindah ke pahang tolong masukkn ke akaun maybank .harap pihak br1m kerana tidak mahu menyusah sya ambil d sabah sekarang sya d pahang .tahun 2013 bukan kami yg ambil duit tapi adik beradik istwri sya ambil d sabah so tolong masukkn ke akaun sya aswadi bin abdul manaf

  13. kenapa pemohonan brim 3.0 saya tiak lulus sedangkan saya sudah menerima brim 2 kali….???????????????????????????

  14. I received my BR1M 1 & 2. But for BR1M 3.0 in March 2014 I was declined and the answer given by LHDN staff in Penang there say i submitted my wife NRIC number the old one. I think this is a very ridiculous answer i ever received from a top Gov. agency so far. I doubted how this answer is given to me. I am already 62 years old,and the staff of LHDN of Penang should be well trained to handle the case more professional way.

  15. saya pun sama, sudah dapat 2 kali sebelum in, tetapi sampai sekarang masih belum lagi dapat br1m 3.0……….

  16. Says jua dapat 2kali yg RM 500..tapi yg 650 sampai sekarang Blum lagi kanapa ada lagi may gurus kah? Thank you

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