SSM & Company Registration
All information about SSM & Company Registration in Malaysia
Letter to a client who do not have complete accounting knowledge but wanted to...
Dear Mr Sir,
Good day to you and wish you are well there.
You have given us some samples of your accounting reports via your previous...
Why increase of paid-up capital need bank-in slip (Procedures for allotment of new shares)
We, as a company secretary, will normally request "bank-in slip" or “Deposit slip” from directors before proceed to prepare any relevant documents to increase the paid-up capital of the...
Let your account guy/girl do the accounting jobs to avoid more problems
To start a business in Malaysia is not an easy task, you need to minimise all business operational costs in order to record a profit...
Take a look at NBC Office (Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya)
Entrance Lobby
Lobby with Discussion Table
Lobby with Waiting Sofa
Meeting Room
Meeting Room
Operation Hall
Operation Hall
Clients Name List Board
Clients Name List Board
Store Room (Documents & Filing Systems)
Documents &...
I am foreigner and can I register a company in Malaysia
The following questions were frequently asked by our clients who are foreigners prior to the registration of their new companies in Malaysia:
1. I am...
My Company Identity Number (MyCoID) for all companies
My Company Identity Number (MyCoID) is the main component of the Business Registry System (BRS) under the National Registry System (NRS) development project introduced...
3 things you need to know when you are using SSM online system
Search result from SSM Online system is not complete or comprehensive. Some name search may show there is no one using the name as...
SSM: Guidelines For Naming A Company in Malaysia
This guideline is applicable to all applications for registration of name for incorporation of a company or change of name of a company.
Code of Ethics for Company Secretaries in Malaysia
With more complex developments in company legislation and the creation of business collaborations to result in larger groups of companies, the role of...
Words you can’t use in your company’s name (unless approved by Minister)
There are some words required prior approval from the the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs or from the relevant government agencies before...