SSM & Company Registration
All information about SSM & Company Registration in Malaysia
How to apply MOF license in Malaysia?
In order to obtain any government projects or jobs, the very first thing you need to do is to register your company with Ministry...
Sample of Board Resolution by a Sdn Bhd Company
Below is the sample of board resolution from the Board of Directors of a Sdn Bhd Company in Malaysia.
The board resolution has been passed...
Should I start my business by registering an enterprise or a sdn bhd?
We have always been asked by our clients when they visited to our office, "should I start my business by registering an enterprise or a...
What is object clause? How does this affect the company’s operation and tax status?
The objects clause is set by the shareholders for directors to conduct the company's businesses within provision of objects clause.
Technically to say, it will...
Why need company secretary in Malaysia? Who can be company secretary?
It is required by Section 139 of the Companies Act, 1965 that the every limited company (sdn bhd or berhad) need to have at...
What is Company Secretary? Who is Company Secretary?
A company secretary is a company officer in a private or public company and is playing an important role as professional advisor to the...
A person declared as bankrupt cannot be a company director
SSM charges a director under Section 125 (1) and Section 364(1) of the Companies Act 1965.
On 1 December 2011, Othman Bin...
How to change company secretary? Why change secretarial firm?
How to change your company secretary if you are not happy with their services?
There are six (6) reasons why you possibly want to change...
Newly incorporated local companies up by 6.3% in 2010
The number of new local companies registered increased by 6.3% in 2010 compared to a year ago in 2009. The rise is in tandem...
Getting Ready Before Start Your New Business in Malaysia
The following questions are normally asked by our clients before registering their new company with us:
I have all information with me, what should i...