SSM & Company Registration
All information about SSM & Company Registration in Malaysia
What is Company Secretary? Who is Company Secretary?
A company secretary is a company officer in a private or public company and is playing an important role as professional advisor to the Board of directors.
It is known as corporate secretary in the...
A person declared as bankrupt cannot be a company director
SSM charges a director under Section 125 (1) and Section 364(1) of the Companies Act 1965.
On 1 December 2011, Othman Bin Mahmood, director of Dom Industries (M) Sdn Bhd was charged...
Newly incorporated local companies up by 6.3% in 2010
The number of new local companies registered increased by 6.3% in 2010 compared to a year ago in 2009. The rise is in tandem with the upturn in the nation’s economy and is also...
Getting Ready Before Start Your New Business in Malaysia
The following questions are normally asked by our clients before registering their new company with us:
I have all information with me, what should i do now to register a sdn bhd company?
What do I...
SSM offices & locations in Klang Valley and Malaysia
Menara SSM@Sentral
No 7, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50623 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 03-2299 4400
Fax : 03-2299 4411
Hotline : 03-22995500
E-mail : [email protected]
Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (ROB)
Tingkat 16, Putra Place,
100 Jalan Putra,
50622 Kuala Lumpur.
SSM to add 48,000 new companies in 2011
Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) targets to incorporate 48,000 new companies in 2011, compared to 44,000 companies established in 2010. It is about 4,000 new companies being set up every month nationwide in Malaysia.
Chief Executive...
Company registration with SSM Malaysia at only RM1,460!
Your exciting and great business story is started from here! And it's never been so EASY!Having your new company registered by us, our experienced and dynamic team can help you on your day-to-day business...
Submit annual returns and audited accounts with SSM or face penalty
Many active companies have complied with the Companies Act, 1965 and SSM Practice Note 1/2008 in lodging their annual returns and latest audited accounts with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM).
SSM Chief Executive Officer Datuk...
Registration of New Businesses and Incorporation of Local Companies in Malaysia
Incorporation of new local companies
The incorporation of new local companies with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) in 2009 dropped marginally by 0.05% compared with 2008 despite the difficult economic conditions in the first nine months...
Company Registration and SSM in Malaysia
The Companies Commission of Malaysia (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia or SSM) is a statutory body which regulates companies and businesses. SSM, which came into operation on 16 April 2002, is a statutory body formed as...