SSM & Company Registration

All information about SSM & Company Registration in Malaysia

How to open company bank account in Malaysia

In order to open the company bank account in Malaysia, you must first check with the bank yourself for more details & specific requirements. Do not...

How to apply MOF license in Malaysia?

In order to obtain any government projects or jobs, the very first thing you need to do is to register your company with Ministry...

My Company Identity Number (MyCoID) for all companies

My Company Identity Number (MyCoID) is the main component of the Business Registry System (BRS) under the National Registry System (NRS) development project introduced...

What is CP204 or CP204A? Understanding Your Company Tax Estimation

Company Tax Estimation Guide Company tax estimation is a crucial part of corporate tax compliance in Malaysia. It ensures that your company meets its tax...
I am foreigner and can I register a company in Malaysia

I am foreigner and can I register a company in Malaysia

The following questions were frequently asked by our clients who are foreigners prior to the registration of their new companies in Malaysia: 1. I am...
Words you can’t use in your company’s name (unless approved by Minister)

Words you can’t use in your company’s name (unless approved by Minister)

  There are some words required prior approval from the the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs or from the relevant government agencies before...

A person declared as bankrupt cannot be a company director

PRESS RELEASE BY SSM SSM charges a director under Section 125 (1) and Section 364(1) of the Companies Act 1965. On 1 December 2011, Othman Bin...

Display your company number along with your company name

Many companies may not realize that the Companies Act 2016 requires them to display their registered name and company registration number, including any new...

Should I start my business by registering an enterprise or a sdn bhd?

We have always been asked by our clients when they visited to our office, "should I start my business by registering an enterprise or a...

SSM: Guidelines For Naming A Company in Malaysia

1. APPLICATION This guideline is applicable to all applications for registration of name for incorporation of a company or change of name of a company.  2....