Prime Minister Najib To Table Budget 2015 4pm Today


NajibPrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will table the 2015 Budget in the Dewan Rakyat at 4 pm, the last budget under the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP).

Like other financial blueprints, Najib who is also Finance Minister, hinted yesterday that the 2015 Budget would be “pro-rakyat” and would include measures to ease concerns over the cost of living.

Among others, the budget would help enhance job opportunities, improve education and create more affordable housing, he said in a statement yesterday.

The prime minister has also underlined the importance of the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) programme.

“BR1M will continue as it is part of our manifesto. It is part of our subsidy rationalisation.

“By switching from blanket subsidies to more targeted support, we are getting better value for money,” he added.

The premier also stressed the importance of continuing the government’s deficit reduction measures to ensure the country achieved a balanced budget by 2020.

Najib added the government was on track to meet its fiscal deficit targets which included reducing the deficit to 3.5 per cent by year-end and three per cent by end-2015. ― Bernama

Source: The Malay Mail Online