The government has increased Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) to families (RM950) and single individuals (RM350).
BR1M of RM750 will be given to those households earning monthly income between RM3,000 and RM4,000.
Please take note that all payments will be made in instalments by the Government, while all assistances in previous years were paid all in once.
The following are the details announced in the Budget speech:
181. Taking into consideration the increased revenue collection from GST and the affordability of the Government, we will increase BR1M from RM650 to RM950. The assistance is for households with a monthly income of RM3,000 and below. It will be disbursed in three instalments of RM300 each to be paid in January and May with the balance of RM350 from September 2015.
182. For households with a monthly income between RM3,000 and RM4,000, the Government will increase BR1M from RM450 to RM750. This assistance will be disbursed in three instalments that is RM200 to be paid in January and May while the balance of RM350 from September 2015.
183. For single individuals aged 21 and above and with a monthly income not exceeding RM2,000, BR1M will be increased from RM300 to RM350 a year. This assistance will be disbursed early next year.
184. In addition, the Government will replace the group takaful insurance or i-BR1M with Family Bereavement Scheme. The new scheme will entitle the next of kin of BR1M recipients to receive RM1,000 effective for a year.
I would like to ask when only can apply BRIM 2015?
Hi Carina, based on last few years’ experience, it is very likely before the end of the year.
Hope it can be opened earlier this year.
may i know when can apply for brim rm350 for single person…and how to apply??
How to apply for brim 2015?
Lim, you can visit here:
when can apply Budget 2015: BR1M4.0 RM950 for Families and RM350 for Singles?
what abt those single mothers with kid/s , not divorce, can they claim the 950.00 ?
this is what question that I wanna to ask..please reply us a.s.a.p..thank you
It is easier to apply on line rather than go to LHDNM personally.
Need copy of application form.
how to check result of br1m 2015
Why my Br1m Havent Appoved ( PERMOHONAN DALAM PROSES)
Kenapa sampai sekarang saya belum dapat last cek br1m.saya cek kat pejabat hasil diorang cakap tunggu surat belum sampai.