SSM & Company Registration
All information about SSM & Company Registration in Malaysia
How to register and set up a limited company in Malaysia?
New Company Registration & Formation in Malaysia at RM1,460 only! Register your company with SSM Malaysia in 10 days and start your business immediately!
Display your company number along with your company name
Many companies may not realize that the Companies Act 2016 requires them to display their registered name and company registration number, including any new...
The FACTS : set up and form a company in Malaysia
How to register and set up a limited company in Malaysia?
What are the requirements?
What are the documents needed?
We provide some of...
Malaysia offers abundant opportunities for those who wish to pursue business in the country. In doing so, there are fourways of carrying out business...
Incorporation of a local company is carried out pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act 1965 (‘CA’). There are three (3) types of...
Company registration with SSM Malaysia at only RM1,460!
Your exciting and great business story is started from here! And it's never been so EASY!Having your new company registered by us, our experienced...
Newly incorporated local companies up by 6.3% in 2010
The number of new local companies registered increased by 6.3% in 2010 compared to a year ago in 2009. The rise is in tandem...
List of Names that needs prior approval before SSM Name Search Application
The list of names mentioned in the document "GUIDELINES ON COMPANY NAMES BY SSM" includes several controlled or restricted terms regulated by specific authorities....
What is CP204 or CP204A? Understanding Your Company Tax Estimation
Company Tax Estimation Guide
Company tax estimation is a crucial part of corporate tax compliance in Malaysia. It ensures that your company meets its tax...
What is Accounting Year End? Choosing Your Company’s Financial Year-End
What is an Accounting Year End or Financial Year-End?
The accounting or financial year-end (FYE) marks the conclusion of your company’s accounting period. The Companies...