Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today he is happy with the quality and range of ideas offered by the people through the #Bajet2015 micro website up to the last day of participation today.
Najib, who is also the finance minister, said Malaysians, regardless of age, had demonstrated that they could cooperate with the government to draft inclusive policies for the benefit of all.
“Your ideas, concerns and needs are always accorded priority in our efforts to draft an inclusive, balanced and responsible national budget,” he said in his blog,
The Budget 2015 campaign which began on Aug 11 was aimed at inviting the people to share their opinions and ideas through online discussion at the micro website.
Najib said the good response to the campaign, now into its sixth year, demonstrated that the government was always open to inviting the people’s participation in the efforts to strengthen the economy and raise their living standard in keeping with his administration’s emphasis that the era where the government knew best was over.
Najib said Malaysia was almost nearing its goal of becoming a high-income developed nation as the national economy continued to register strong growth in tandem with the rising standard of living.
He reminded, however, that this scenario did not mean that the country would not meet obstacles along the way, but said that by working together Malaysians could achieve their targets and enable every individual to share in the gains derived from that success.
“We can achieve not only a high-income economy; we can also achieve a high-quality economy — that is when every individual shares the benefits of economic growth.
“If we remain united, we can achieve our shared dream,” he said.
Najib expressed confidence that with the proposals he had received, Budget 2015 would stimulate growth, improve the country’s fiscal position and raise the living standard of the people. — Bernama
Source: TheMalayMailOnline
Dear Sirs, Good Morning. Just a Question and Suggestion. I am looking a apartment for own stay and searched property thru web. I view a lot of the advertisement and find out that low cost flat…….going to sell about RM170k per unit (Dev. cost about RM40k). RM170k it is consider low cost, how the low earning income to buy for it.
Eg. Family with 2 children
Earning RM5,000.00
Less EPF – 550.00
Children – 1,000.00
Home Loan – 750.00 (RM150k at 4.25%)
Parents – 1,000.00 (Parents and Parents In Law)
Car Loan – 500.00 (Small Car like Perduo)
Others – 800.00 (Utility, Maintenance and Normal Items)
Food – 800.00 (RM20/days own cook)
– 400.00
Already Negative so ?????
Low Cost Flat will be control RMxxx eg RM100k.
How to control below RM100k:-
a) IF S&P’s Price RM90k.
– no tax at all.
b) IF S&P’s Price RM120k.
– tax RM20k. (RM120k – RM100k = RM20k)
– means tax amounts is exits the control point.
Thanks & Reards,