Malaysia Tax Budget

Budget 2014: 30% RPGT for first 3 years

Owning a comfortable home are top on the most wish list from the people, this largely due to the constant increased house prices for...

Malaysia Budget 2015 to tabled on 10 October 2014

The 2015 Budget is scheduled to be tabled in Parliament on Oct 10, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak. He said the 2015...
Tax Relief on Insurance

Budget 2013: LIAM Proposed Separate Tax Relief On Insurance Premiums

The Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) has proposed the government give a separate tax relief of RM6,000 on insurance premiums alone in Budget...

Follow us on Malaysia Budget 2011 tomorrow

Our Prime Minister, Dato' Sri Najib Razak, who is also the Finance Minister was working hard these days in doing final preparation and finalising...

FAQ: 10% discount for PTPTN loan payment on time

In Budget 2013, in order to encourage the students to repay the Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) education loans in accordance with their...

Budget 2014: Personal tax reduced in 2015

Upon the implementation of GST in April 2015, the Government is committed to provide various forms of assistance to the rakyat during and after...
Budget 2015 Personal and company tax rates reduced

Budget 2015: Personal and company tax rates reduced

The announcements of reduction in tax rates in today's budget are not new. It was already announced in last year's Budget 2014 and it is...

Tax Budget 2012: Cash RM500 for Those Earn Less Than RM3,000 Monthly

One off cash assistance of RM500 to all households with a monthly income of RM3,000 and below, costing RM1.8 billion to benefit 3.4 million...

Appeal form for RM500 cash aid application rejected by MOF

Malaysian Government is progressively releasing the RM500 cash aid to its people since January 2012. However, some applications were rejected due to incorrect, incomplete...

Budget 2013: Government to reduce debts while helping rakyat

The government will focus efforts on reducing the country's debt apart from helping the rakyat as well as boost the economy in formulating Budget...