Malaysia Business News

Second-Finance-Minister-Datuk-Seri-Ahmad-Husni-Hanadzlah-Receive Your BR1M Payment Directly in Bank Account-thumb

Receive Your BR1M Payment Directly in Bank Account

Eligible recipients of 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M), who have updated their bank account numbers with Inland Revenue Board, are expected to receive their BR1M Payments in...

Budget 2017: BR1M to continue & focus on strengthening the economy

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said he would announce the payment of 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) and several initiatives when...

Franchise Fee Is Now Tax Deductible In Malaysia

Franchise fee is now tax deductible in Malaysia, announced by Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib in Budget 2012. Franchise is a business model where franchisee...

Malaysia Personal Tax – FAQ

Encountered some questions on Malaysia personal tax matters? Inland Revenue Board (IRB), the Malaysian tax authorities published some FAQ that may be relevant to individual...

How to apply for MITI approved bumiputra IPO shares?

. 7 June 2011 is the closing date for IPO bumiputra special shares application to Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) as the approved...
Apply BR1M Today & Get Your RM650

Apply BR1M Today & Get Your RM650 (Last Day: 31 January 2014)

It was announced by Ministry of Finance (MOF) today that BR1M can now be applied from today (23 December 2013) up to 31 January...
Budget 2014 BR1M RM650 for Households and RM300 for Singles

Budget 2014: BR1M RM650 for Households and RM300 for Singles

The government will distribute higher Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) to households (RM650) and single individuals (RM300). BR1M of RM450 will now be given to those...

The Third Series of Malaysian New Coins & Banknotes in 2012

The Third Series of Malaysian Coins - Distinctively Malaysia Bank Negara Malaysia has released the latest new coins and banknotes today. The Prime Minister Datuk Seri...
Datuk-Seri-Ahmad-Husni-Hanadzlah-BR1M3.0 Will Be Distributed in February 2014

BR1M3.0 Will Be Distributed in February 2014

The RM4.6 billion allocation for the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) next year will be disbursed by February 2014. Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni...

Franchising with OldTown White Coffee

Came to this OldTown White Office advertising lately on franchising with them. Started from the first outlet in 2005, grown up to over 160...