Tax Return Form B 2010 and Form P 2010


30 June 2011 tax filing deadline for Tax Return Form B 2010 and Form P in respect of year of assessment 2010 is approaching with less than a month to go.

Form B is tax return for Malaysian tax resident individuals who are carrying business and deriving business, employment and other income in Malaysia. 

Form P is tax return for partnership in Malaysia.

Generally these tax payers group are carrying business through sole proprietorship and partnership.

Individuals with business, employment and other income:

Tax Return Form Type Guidebook and notes
Form B 2010 B 2010 Guidebook
B 2010 Explanatory Notes
B 2010 Short Notes
Amended Form B 2010 Guide Notes on Amended Return Form B 2010

Partnership in Malaysia:

Form P 2010 P 2010 Explanatory Notes

These forms are for viewing and reference only. Please use the Malay language version for submission to LHDNM .

Submit your tax return by 30 June 2011

A gender reminder, please submit your tax returns for year of assessment 2010 and settlement of any tax before or by 30 June 2011, in order to avoid late tax submission penalty and late tax payment levy.

Related post:
Individual Personal Tax Relief for YA 2010
Personal Tax Rates for YA 2010