How to change company secretary? Why change secretarial firm?


How to change your company secretary if you are not happy with their services?

There are six (6) reasons why you possibly want to change secretarial firm for your company.

  1. You don’t receive your documents in time even after you have said: It’s URGENT!
  2. You are not reminded on the deadlines to submit accounts to SSM.
  3. You are not satisfied with the advices given on the company matters. 
  4. You are charged unreasonably high price coupled with numerous hidden charges.
  5. You always couldn’t get through your company secretary as he/she is always busy.
  6. You are just not happy!

Here are the summarised schedule of how to change company secretary:

  1. Look for new company secretary
  2. Get new company secretary to communicate with existing secretary
  3. Pay all outstanding bills due to existing secretary
  4. New secretary will prepare relevant documents for directors’ signature
  5. New secretary will submit the relevant documents to SSM Malaysia after signed
  6. New secretary will liaise with existing secretary to take over all statutory documents


Full details on how to change your company secretary:

The company secretary is indeed a company officer appointed by the Board of Directors via board meeting or merely through passing a board resolution. As such, the Board of Directors is empowered to appoint or remove a company secretary of its company.

In practice, the company secretary is normally requested by the Board to tender his/her resignation as company secretary and the Board will then appoint a new company secretary in place of the existing one.

In order to effectively change the company secretary, you should find a qualified company secretary and inform him/her that you would like to appoint him/her as the new company secretary to your company.

A letter of termination will then be forwarded to the existing company secretary informing that you would to change company secretary and furnish the details of new company secretary and secretarial firm.

It is a normal practice that the documents for change of company secretary will be prepared by the new company and it’s normal free of charge (he needs to do something to close the deal, right?).

However, it’s sometimes the existing company secretary will insist they will prepare the documents. Please clarify with them that by doing so, you will not be charged! If they inform that there will be a charge for preparing such documents, then you as a director have every right to refuse such move!

Upon execution/signing of documents by the directors, the secretary will lodge all documents with SSM Malaysia to effect the change.

Finally, the new company secretary will request to take all statutory documents from the resigning company secretary at date & time to be determined.


Special Offer from NBC Group:

NBC Group is offering company secretarial services at RM60 per month only for first (1st) year of appointment as new company secretary to your company!

Call us now at 03-7729 7018.

Check it out: Change Company Secretary