Budget 2013: People And Business Friendly Budget


Tax Budget 2013 MalaysiaThe draft copy of the 2013 Budget was tabled at the cabinet meeting on Wednesday (5 September), said Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah.

“Malaysia Budget 2013 will be a balanced budget — people and business-friendly — our revenue and expenditure must be balanced,” he said, “The budget parameters are already in place and the cabinet will study and fine-tune them.” 

Ahmad Husni said this was after completing discussions with the various focus groups.

Focus groups had been meeting Finance Ministry officials since June to make proposals and suggestions before the budget is tabled by Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Sept 28.

This is to provide valuable input before the draft of the budget is drawn up.

Speaking to reporters after attending the Tambun parliamentary Merdeka Day celebrations here yesterday, Ahmad Husni said: “We have received feedback which covers all fields ranging from investments to enhancing workforce.

“Among them are proposals to be competitive in the business and investment sector field. Training must be provided to enhance the quality of the workforce.”

Ahmad Husni, who is also Tambun member of parliament, said the business sector had raised the issue that the cost of doing business had gone up and that this needed to be reduced.

The non-governmental organisations had highlighted the peoples’ predicament especially when they had to cope with rising food prices.

“There are groups talking about small and medium enterprises and those involved in micro business who are looking for opportunities and trying to get loans.”

Ahmad Husni said the government had to take into account the budget as well as the prolonged global economic crisis.

“If we reduce taxes then it will affect expenditure and eventually affect certain groups. So it is important we come up with a balanced budget.”