Budget 2013 Malaysia will be tabled in Parliament on 28 September 2012


Budget 2013 Malaysia

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the budget would focus on quality and balanced growth as well as the people’s well-being.

“I am here to listen to your views and recommendations on issues confronting us. As part of the budget consultation, we have received 84 memorandums.”

“Your submissions will be considered as inputs for the 2013 Budget,” said Najib, who is also Finance Minister, told the 2013 Budget consultation session.

All stakeholders attended the session chaired by the prime minister. Najib said the theme for the 2013 Budget Consultation was “Driving Transformation Towards A Developed Nation”.

Najib said the consultation was a continuous process and does not stop with this session today and further deliberations on pertinent issues would be conducted through smaller focus groups.

“This annual consultation is a government initiative to ensure the budget to be drawn up took into account the people’s overall views and participation. “The government has always adopted an open mind to interact directly with the private sector, non-governmental organisations, industries and the people to ensure the planning and programmes are implemented effectively and inclusively.

“Through consultations like these, the government can also gather information and feedback directly from various sectors so that the government can plan and come up with the right and effective policies,” he said.

Najib said each budget must contribute and take Malaysia closer towards realising Vision 2020.

“Malaysia isin the third year of its transformation journey towards a developed and high-income nation. “We have achieved much in this short period. However, there is still more to be done,” he added.

The prime minister also said the government has to provide equal opportunities for education and employment to ensure a higher quality of life for the people.

He said the government would also focus on increasing productivity and innovation to strengthen competitiveness to compete in the global market.

Najib also said the fiscal consolidation was well-paced to achieve the medium-term deficit target of around three per cent by 2015.

“I am aware of concerns on our fiscal management. We remain firmly committed to strengthening public finances. “Sustaining growth momentum amid external challenges is a priority, but this will be done in a fiscally responsible manner,” he said.

Najib said several initiatives were underway to rein in expenditure and enhance revenue collection. He said valuemanagement has been implemented for development projects above RM50 million while the two-year rolling budget introduced since last year “affords us flexibility in expenditure management”.

“In addition, a Public Expenditure Review was undertaken with the assistance of the World Bank and the government is acting on the recommendations.

“We have also formed a committee at the Treasury to look into long-term fiscal sustainability issues,” he added. — Bernama

(Source: NST Newspaper)