SOCSO Offices @ Kelantan

Pejabat PERKESO Negeri Kelantan,
PT304 – 307, Sek 22,
Jalan Kota Darul Naim,
15538 Kota Bharu, Kelantan
General Line
: 09 – 7456600
: 09 – 7456601
: 09 – 7456666
: 09 – 7456622

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Pejabat PERKESO Kuala Krai,
PT4489, Jalan Guchil Luar,
18020 Kuala Krai, Kelantan

General Line
: 09 – 9602121
: 09 – 9602120
: 09 – 9663298

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Working Hours
8.00 AM – 4.45 PM (Sunday – Wednesday)
8.00 AM – 4.30 PM (Thursday)
Lunch Break
1.00 PM – 2.00 PM (Sunday – Thursday)

SOCSO Offices @ Sabah

Pejabat PERKESO Negeri Sabah,
No. 11, Lorong Sempelang,
Tanjung Aru, Peti Surat 11904,
88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
General Line
: 088 – 517900
: 088 – 517800
: 088 – 245819

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Pejabat PERKESO Tawau,
No.4294 & 4295, Lot 1 & 2 Jalan Budi,
91000 Tawau, Sabah
General Line
: 089 – 770850
: 089 – 779522 / 220
: 089 – 778441

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Pejabat PERKESO Lahad Datu,
MDLD 3827 Fajar Centre,
Peti Surat 61193,
91120 Lahad Datu, Sabah
General Line
: 089 – 884933
: 089 – 889576
: 089 – 884272

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Pejabat PERKESO Keningau,
Tingkat Bawah & 1, Lot 22, Blok B,
ADIKA Commercial Complex,
Peti Surat 704,
89008 Keningau, Sabah
General Line
: 087 – 330837
: 087 – 332578
: 087 – 336722
No Picture
Pejabat PERKESO Sandakan,
Lot 4, Blok 5, Lorong Bandar Indah 1,
Bandar Indah, Batu 4, Jalan Utara,
90000 Sandakan, Sabah
General Line
: 089 – 235200
: 089 – 219937
: 089 – 272507

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Working Hours
8.00AM – 5.00PM (Monday – Friday)

Lunch Break
1.00PM – 2.00PM (Monday – Thursday)
11.30PM – 2.00PM (Friday)

SOCSO Offices @ Sarawak

Pejabat PERKESO Negeri Sarawak,
Lot 436, Section 54,
No. 52 Travillion Commercial Centre,
Jalan Padungan,
93100 Kuching, Sarawak
General Line
: 082 – 251602
: 082 – 221666
: 082 – 421940
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Pejabat PERKESO Miri,
Lot 1184 & 1185, Blok 9 M.C.L.D,
Miri Water Front Commercial Centre,
98000 Miri, Sarawak
General Line
: 085 – 426053
: 085 – 419800
: 085 – 422296

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Pejabat PERKESO Sri Aman,
4B Tingkat 1, Jalan Sabu,
Peti Surat 301,
95008 Sri Aman, Sarawak
General Line
: 083 – 322660
: 083 – 322660
: 083 – 325686

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Pejabat PERKESO Bintulu,
No. 180, Lot 3466, Tingkat Bawah,
Tingkat 1 & 2,
Parkcity Commerce Square,
Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi,
P.O Box 957,
97008 Bintulu, Sarawak
General Line
: 086 – 334358
: 086 – 334617
: 086 – 331042

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Pejabat PERKESO Sibu,
No. 10 (Tingkat 1), Drive 2,
Brooke Drive,
96000 Sibu, Sarawak
General Line
: 084 – 213068
: 084 – 213066 / 067
: 084 – 212350

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Pejabat PERKESO Kapit,
Wisma Ngieng Ping Toh,
Tingkat Bawah dan Tingkat 1,
Lot 544, Peti Surat 4531, Jalan Airport,
96800 Kapit, Sarawak
General Line
: 084 – 797491
: 084 – 797287
: 084 – 799287
No Picture
Pejabat PERKESO Sarikei
No.31, Jalan Jubli Mutiara
96100 Sarikei, Sarawak
General Line
: 094 – 653613
: 084 – 654611
: 084 – 654612

( Click to enlarge )


Working Hours
8.00 AM – 5.00 PM (Monday – Friday)

Lunch Break
1.00 PM – 2.00 PM (Monday – Thursday)
11.45 PM – 2.15 PM (Friday)

SOCSO Offices @ W.P.Labuan

Pejabat PERKESO Labuan,
Tingkat 1, Bangunan Lucas Kong,
No. 5, Jalan Merdeka,
Peti Surat 80394,
87014 Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan
PPP : 087 – 414535
General Line : 087 – 414535
Facsimile : 087 – 424613

Working Hours:
8.00AM – 5.00PM (Monday – Friday)

Lunch Break:
1.00PM – 2.00PM (Monday – Thursday)
11.30PM – 2.00PM (Friday)

What Wages Are Subject To SOCSO Contribution?

Wages That Subject To SOCSO Contribution

Not all wages payments to staff/workers are subject to SOCSO contribution and there are certain wages excluded from SOCSO contribution.

Wages subject to SOCSO contribution:

All renumeration or wages stated below and payable to staff/workers are subject to SOCSO contributions:

  1. Salary / Wages (full/part time, monthly/hourly)
  2. Overtime payments
  3. Commission
  4. Paid leave (annual, sick and maternity leave, rest day, public holidays)
  5. Allowances
  6. Service Charge

Wages NOT subject to SOCSO contribution:

The following wages or remuneration payable to staff/workers are NOT subject to SOCSO contribution:

  1. Payments by employer to any pension or provident fund for employees
  2. Mileage claims
  3. Gratuity payment(s) for dismissal or retrenchments
  4. Annual bonus

How To Register SOCSO in Malaysia?

How to register SOCSO in Malaysia?
All companies in Malaysia must register itself with SOCSO within 30 days from the day it starts employed new staff/workers.

In order to register SOCSO in Malaysia, a company must get ready the following forms & documents:-

A)  Form 1 (Employer’s Registration Form) to be submitted with 2 copies of the following documents:-

  1. Sdn Bhd Company
    – Form 9
    – Form 49
  2. Sole-proprietors or Partnership
    – Form D
    – Form A

B)  Form 2 (Employee’s Registration Form)

The name and both the identity card numbers of an employee has to be written exactly as stated in the identity card.

Both the Form 1 and Form 2 together with relevant documents shall be delivered to the nearest SOCSO office for registration. SOCSO office will issue an Employer’s Code Number to the employer as proof of registration.

When & How To Pay SOCSO (Perkeso)?

How to pay SOCSO?

A company must remit its SOCSO contribution payment to SOCSO offices not later than the last day of the following month.

For example, contribution for the month of April 2013 must be paid not later than 31th May 2013.

Payment to SOCSO

An employer can pay its SOCSO contributions via the following 3 methods:

i) Payment through banks

Employers who submit payments through the following banks must use preprinted SOCSO Contribution Form (Borang Caruman Bulanan/Borang 8A):-

  1. CIMB Bank Berhad
  2. Malayan Banking Berhad
  3. RHB Bank Berhad
  4. Public Bank Berhad
  5. Bank Muamalat
  6. Pejabat Pos Malaysia (for Sabah & Sarawak only).

ii) Payment Via Internet Banking

Employer must be registered and has an account at any of the following banks:-

(a) Malayan Banking Berhad
(b) CIMB Bank Berhad
(c) RHB Bank Berhad
(d) Public Bank Berhad

iii) Payment At SOCSO’s Office

SOCSO office only accepts payment by cheque or postal money order. For employers who submit contribution records through computer diskette/tape, payment must be made at the SOCSO office where they are registered.

SOCSO: Who Is Employer?

SOCSO: Who is Employer?

Principal Employer

Refers to an employer who has employed an employee directly to work for him. The employer is responsible for the payment of wages and all the service matters of the employee.

Immediate Employer

Refers to an employer who works for a principal employer or undertakes part of the work of the principal employer by way of a sub-contract. The immediate employer has direct control of the employees employed by him.

Employer’s Liability

The principal and immediate employer who employs one or more employees is required to register and contribute monthly to SOCSO for all employees under the Employees’ Social Security Act, 1969 (henceforth refer as Act). The principal employer is also liable to ensure all employees employed by the immediate employer have been registered and their contributions have been paid.

SOCSO: Who Is Employee?

SOCSO: Who is Employee?

Under the Act, an employee is defined as a person who has been employed by an employer under a contract of service or apprenticeship.

Employees Monthly Earning At RM3,000 Or Less

Employees Monthly Earning At RM3,000 Or Less must contribute to SOCSO.

SOCSO’s coverage is only for employees who are Malaysian citizens and who are permanent residents.

Employees Monthly Earning More Than RM3,000

Employees Monthly Earning More Than RM3,000 who never registered or contibute to SOCSO are given an option to be covered under the Act.

Principle Of “Once In Always In”

Employees who have been previously registered with SOCSO and now earn more than RM3,000 must continue to contribute in line with the principle of “Once In Always In” under the First Schedule of the Act.

Once an employee is eligible under the Act, he will always be eligible for coverage irrespective of his next monthly wage. All employees eligible for coverage under the Act must register and contribute to SOCSO.

Employee NOT covered under SOCSO

The following group are excluded from SOCSO’s coverage:-

  • Government employees
  • Domestic servants
  • Self-employed persons
  • Foreign workers
  • Business owner and spouses of Sole-Proprietors or Partnership

SOCSO: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1)Who is classified as an employee under the Employees’ Social Security Act, 1969?
An employee is any person who is employed for wages paid under a contract of service or apprenticeship with an employer, whether the contract is expressed or implied, or oral or in writing, or in connection to the work of an industry to which the Act applies.
2)Are temporary workers / part time workers covered by SOCSO?
Temporary or part time workers are required to be registered with SOCSO.
3)Does the employer need to notify SOCSO if the employee stops working?
The employer must fill in the date of termination of the employee in form 8A and mark “X” in the space provided.
 4)What is the age limit for employees to contribute?
All employees are eligible to be registered, regardless of age. For workers aged 60 years and below, the employer must make contributions under the first category, but when the employee reaches 60 years of age, the employer will only pay contributions under the second category. Employees who join the workforce when they are above 55 years of age and who have never contributed must pay a contribution of the second category.
5)Are penalties imposed on employers who fail to register / contribute?
Employers may be prosecuted and shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit, or both.
6)How is the mode of payment and contribution to SOCSO determined?
Employee contribution rate is based on the employee’s wages, overtime, commissions, service charge, annual leave emoluments, sick leave, maternity leave, public holidays, incentives, meal allowance, cost of living and housing allowance and so forth. All payments whether hourly, daily, weekly or monthly-rated are considered wages. Monthly contribution rates for employers and employees is shown in the Contribution Schedule based on 34 salary categories.
 7)Where can the payment of contributions be made?
Contribution payments can be made at all SOCSO offices and also at appointed banks such as Maybank Bhd, CIMB, Public Bank, RHB, post offices (for Sabah & Sarawak) and designated banks in specific areas.
 8)How can SOCSO contributions be made if the employee stops working in the middle of the month?
Employers are only required to pay contributions based on the total wages paid to employees for the month. However, if the salary is paid until the 15th day of the month, the contribution is based on salary paid for that particular month.
9)When is Interest on Late Payment Contributions (ILPC) applied to the employer?
The employer is liable to pay monthly contributions not later than the last day of the following month. For example, January contributions should be paid not later than February 28. ILPC is charged for late payment of contributions at the rate of 6 percent per annum for each day of late payment contributions. If late payment interest is calculated to be less than RM5, then interest is charged at RM5 per month.
10)How is the ILPC paid?
ILPC can be paid at RHB Bank and Public Bank by submitting an ILPC statement to the bank to stamp the date received and by stating the SOCSO account number. Employers are not required to fill in bank slips. Late payment cheques for each month (ILPC ) is issued separately. ILPC can also be paid at all SOCSO offices.
11)How do we report an accident and what are the documents needed to make a claim?
For accidents at the work place, the employer has to notify SOCSO by filling in the Accident Report (Form 21) and submit a claim form (Form 10), punch cards or attendance records, medical certificate and a copy of the identity card to the SOCSO Office. If the accident occurs while commuting to and from work, these documents must be accompanied by a police report and sketch map of the route taken at the time of accident.
12)Does SOCSO bear the cost of medical treatment? Where can treatment be obtained?
Any employee who is involved in a work-related accident, commuting accident or has occupational disease is entitled to free medical treatment at SOCSO panel clinics, government clinics and government hospitals. Employees are required to bring the Accident Report Form (Form 21) or Occupational Disease Report Form (Form 68 SMEs or SME 69) or a referral from the employer for the treatment.
13)Who is eligible for Constant Attendance Allowance?
This allowance is paid to an employee who suffers total permanent disablement or is severely incapacitated with a 100% loss of earning capacity or certified invalid and constantly requires personal attendance. His need for a care giver must be verified by a Medical Board or Appellate Medical Board. This allowance is equivalent to 40% of permanent disability benefits or invalidity pension and is subject to a maximum rate of RM500 per month. Payment is made directly to beneficiaries.
Source: Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial