SOCSO: Who Is Employee?

SOCSO: Who is Employee?

Under the Act, an employee is defined as a person who has been employed by an employer under a contract of service or apprenticeship.

Employees Monthly Earning At RM3,000 Or Less

Employees Monthly Earning At RM3,000 Or Less must contribute to SOCSO.

SOCSO’s coverage is only for employees who are Malaysian citizens and who are permanent residents.

Employees Monthly Earning More Than RM3,000

Employees Monthly Earning More Than RM3,000 who never registered or contibute to SOCSO are given an option to be covered under the Act.

Principle Of “Once In Always In”

Employees who have been previously registered with SOCSO and now earn more than RM3,000 must continue to contribute in line with the principle of “Once In Always In” under the First Schedule of the Act.

Once an employee is eligible under the Act, he will always be eligible for coverage irrespective of his next monthly wage. All employees eligible for coverage under the Act must register and contribute to SOCSO.

Employee NOT covered under SOCSO

The following group are excluded from SOCSO’s coverage:-

  • Government employees
  • Domestic servants
  • Self-employed persons
  • Foreign workers
  • Business owner and spouses of Sole-Proprietors or Partnership