NTV7: SOCSO Needs More Private Clinics For Its Free Health Screening Programme

nbc-ntv7Kuala Lumpur (19 Dec 2012): SOCSO (Social Security Organisation) is urging more clinics to participate as panel clinics under the Socso Free Health Screening Programme which starts in January.

Presently, only 392 out of 5,000 clinics nationwide have registered with the programme which is not enough to cover some 2 million eligible Socso members. 

The free health screening for Socso members was announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak when tabling the 2013 Budget on September 28th.

The health screening will help members detect non-communicable diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problem.

People are also entitle to check their cholesterol levels as well as for prostate cancer for men, and cervical or breast cancer for women.

Socso director general Datuk K Selvarajah said that new clinics keen to join the programe can do so via Socso’s new website.

Eligible Socso members will be given vouchers to undergo medical check up at panel clinics.

The first phase of the programme will involve nearly 2 million members aged 40 and above with the allocation of 200 million ringgit annually.

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Source: NTV7