What Is Annual Return
Annual return is a summary of a company profile consist of general information about a company, the directors, shareholders & business address, such as following:
- Business office address
- Branch office address
- Registered office address
- Principal business activities
- Total authorised capital
- Total paid-up capital
- Charges registered with SSM (i.e. company assets pledged)
- Company directors
- Company secretary
- Shareholders
When do we need to lodge Annual Return to SSM?
The annual return signed by a director or by the manager or secretary of the company shall be lodged with the Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia(SSM) within one month from the date its AGM held.
In the case of a company keeping pursuant to its articles a branch register in any place outside Malaysia, the lodgement of annual return must be made within two months after the annual general meeting.
Where can we get annual return?
We can request a copy of annual return of any company from SSM counter at a charge. Since annual return will be submitted by a company once a year, this will be a vital document for the latest information about a company.