Category Archives: GST News


Parliament: GST Bill passed in Dewan Rakyat

TheStar Online (7/4/2014): The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill 2014 was passed in the Dewan Rakyat on Monday (7 April 2014) after two bloc division votes were taken among the MPs.

The Bill, which seeks to implement the 6% tax was passed after the number of votes supporting it outnumbered those which were against it.

In the first bloc division vote, the Bill was passed for the second reading after a total of 119 MPs voted in support of it versus the 81 who opposed.

No debate was held for the Bill at the third reading or committee stage, prompting the Opposition to request for another bloc division voting to be conducted.

The Bill was passed by the Dewan after the results were 119 votes in favour of the law against 81 that were against it.

Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan wrapped up points raised in the debate, which saw its fair share of arguments from both sides of the divide.

Opposition MPs held up placards and banners with the words “Tolak GST (Reject GST)” to show their dissension.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (BN – Pekan) also showed up to vote for the Bill to be passed.

It was reported that the GST will replace the sales and services tax and is set to take effect from April 2015.

Source: thestar online